Saurabh Kapoor
Founder & Managing Director
Saurabh’s business philosophy is to empower people to innovate and collaborate for high performance and wealth creation. Saurabh has demonstrated progressive entrepreneurship by creating and implementing ambitious business strategies and plans.
Over the last 30 plus years, Saurabh has not only expanded his own entrepreneurial capacity and ability, he has also mentored many other entrepreneurs to expand and grow. People who work with him acknowledge his contribution to their careers and life.
Saurabh invests significant time and energy in continued engagement in self-development and knowledge expansion for himself and his colleagues. Saurabh values and honors integrity, accountability and excellence.
As a Business Leader,
He declares that he is a person of Integrity; he honors his word as my-self. He stands for Integrity, Authenticity and Being Committed to Something Bigger than Oneself.
He is committed to provide the Space for every employee to be highly productive and innovative.
He commit to all People in the Enterprises; he create and lead Living a Great Life!
He is someone who can lead in any situation;
with or without positional authority,
with or without formally allocated decision rights,
with or without designated followers,
with or without an approved set of traits and characteristics